The Right Amount of Fun and Learning

In the past three weeks, I have had so much fun with Druid City Girls Media. I had never done the camp before, and the idea of trying out a new camp while going virtual for the first time was daunting. Luckily I had the best teachers (shoutout to Abba and Dr. Brickman), who made me feel right at home in the media world! One of my favorite things that I tried out was making a fake ad. It lets you get creative because you can follow the traditional format of ads, or you can make up your way of doing things. Even though that specific assignment was my favorite, they were all fun! We covered a wide range of types of media over the course of the camp, which is one of the reasons I liked all the projects. I would love to work with Druid City Girls Media again, and it has inspired me to keep making videos and to keep learning more about editing. Dr. Brickman and Abba incorporated just the right amount of fun and learning so that it’s balanced, and you can enjoy it all. One of the many things that I learned about was B-Roll and how to film it. While you work on different projects, you also end up learning new things on your own. I learned how to make flashes using keyframes on Premiere Pro, as well as how to layer audio clips smoothly. The only thing that I would want different is the length of the camp. I would love it to be longer! I am so pleased that I was a part of the first virtual DCGM camp!  

- Niamh (age 12)


Collaboration, Creativity, & Sisterhood